Travelling to Cardiff / Berthing

For those travelling to Cardiff, locking through Cardiff Barrage is mostly 24/7, depending on current silting in the Outer Harbour. Locks into Cardiff run on the Quarter to and Quarter past the Hour, and they can be contacted on VHF 18. Pre-booking is not required.
Race Boats are able to berth free of charge at CBYC for up to 2 weeks. Boats from Portishead also have the option of free mooring at Penarth Marina as part of their mooring arrangement with Boatfolk at Portishead
There are a few hotels in Cardiff Bay which are reasonable. These include Travelodge and Premier Inn which are a 40min walk from CBYC.
There are also some AirBnBs in the vicinity that may be an option as well.
Saturday 29th June

There will be bacon rolls available from the club prior to locking out. Unlike previous years where pre-ordering is required, this is not the case this year, and the club is only offering bacon rolls and tea/coffee.
Racing on Saturday is due to start at 11:30, therefore most boats will be locking out at 10:30. In order to lock out for racing, please contact Barrage Control on VHF 18. No locks will be booked on anyone’s behalf, all vessels need to call individually around 20 or 25 mins prior to the desired lock. Outbound locks are on the hour and half past, inbound locks are on the quarter past and quarter to.

Following racing on Saturday, there will be a BBQ at the club. Payment for the food will be taken at the bar, then present your receipt at the BBQ to receive your food.
Please encourage all crew members to stay around for at least a drink or two following racing. The club has organised evening entertainment, and if you want to stay for a meal, it is Steak Night that evening. You can get a Steak Dinner for £7.50. It would be great to see you there until late.
Sunday 30th June
The Cardiff Triathlon will be in town on Sunday, and access to CBYC will be slightly restricted in the morning. We have organised event passes to allow you to access the club. Further details will be passed on closer to the time.
Final Confirmation of the particulars of the Sunday access arrangements will be communicated asap.
Breakfast will be arranged as per Saturday, no pre-orders, bacon rolls only.
Racing is due to start at 12:30, so most boats will be locking out at 11:30. Locking information remains the same as Saturday.

Following on from racing, the prize giving will take place at the clubhouse in CBYC. Once again please encourage all crews to attend. As last year, there will be a light buffet of Sausage, Chips & Curry Sauce. Unfortunately, due to cost increases, we are looking at a £1 per head contribution for meal tickets as the entry fees aren’t stretching quite as far as last year.
Please try to pre-order your tickets for this by email to so that we can pre warn the kitchen of numbers and ensure a nice efficient roll out. Further tickets will be available from Tim or Anthony over the weekend.
At the presentation we will also be announcing the dates for next year’s event.